To create a new home in place of the one lost in an earthquake sequence of 2010 and 2011 Cymon Allfrey Architects Ltd have designed a modern Eichleresque house. Located on a cul-de-sac in Fendalton, Christchurch, New Zealand it incorporates an existing garden and the Wairarapa Stream. Since the architects decided not to use structural steel in the house design its cedar board masses give the dwelling a very expensive look.
Painted black with rare natural wood inclusions the house’s aesthetic is rather mid-century modern. Glass transoms and wall-sized sliding doors are creating the indoor/outdoor feel while the minimalist furnishings promote the aesthetic throughout the open layout interior.

An entirely white interior design contrasts nicely with the mostly black exterior. Light wooden flooring keeps the atmosphere airy while the darker furnishings and partitions give the place a luxurious touch.
Black wooden beams make for occasional accents on a white ceiling laced with the built-in lights. Only one of the zones inside the house’s core features stylish pendant lights. So it seems lighter on the details than the exterior. Decorated with various partitions and fences it looks much more interesting than a regular modern house.
In addition, the stream on the lot adds a special charm to the views that open up from the house’s numerous glass inclusions and windows. With a spacious green lawn between the stream and the house there is plenty of outdoor space. It’s perfect not only for lounging and dining, but also contemplating the beauty of the surrounding nature. (Photography by Stephen Goodenough)
Eichler-esque House in New Zealand