Interior greenery is undoubtedly one of the quickest and easiest, if not always easily maintainable, ways to liven up your decor. Bright green spreading leaves make for a nice focal point in the room. At the same time, they work pretty well as supplemental decor. While there are plenty of cool pots to choose from, in this post we’ll focus on the main interior greenery trends of the past few years.
Interior Greenery Ideas
It doesn’t really matter what type of plants you prefer the most – eye-catchy ficuses, edgy palms, or gentle succulents – it’s how you use them in decor that counts. Implementation techniques are much more varied than you may think. The first example that really stands out is placing your greenery next to a matching feature wall.

While an impressive planter pot can decorate an empty corner, it doesn’t mean it couldn’t use additional help to stand out. Stands are very popular for that very reason, and are most useful in minimalist interiors, where furniture surfaces are scarce. If it’s the floor space or time that is scarce, however, you can always buy a digital print of a green leaf to hang above your sofa.
Pot arrangements can be very beautiful, but if you’re doing this today, be sure to go big. It’s only reasonable, if you already made a decision to dedicate some time to plant maintenance.
Potted Tree Trend
Maintenance can be a nuisance, but if you don’t mind giving it a little more care, a potted tree can give your interior plenty of style to boast. Pick a good-looking pot to go with your dwarf palm or container lemon tree, and you may even eat your own homegrown tree fruit someday.

It’s important to pick a location for your potted tree first. You want to give it all the required conditions to keep being green and decorative.
If you want to liven up a particular shady corner in your bedroom, you may have to opt for shade-loving varieties. Room temperature may also be an issue for some plants.
Indoor Gardens
Indoor gardens have become widespread in contemporary architecture along with preservation of site flora. It is a beautiful way to render your home eco-friendly as well as enjoy the live self-sustained plants every day together with some natural light.

Since most living things typically need some sunlight, skylights, huge windows, and transoms tend to accompany indoor gardens to give interior greenery its dose of rays. This design element is as gorgeous as it is practical.
Even if you don’t have a way of adding a skylight to your house, a green divider or a live wall can give your home a truly unique feel.
Vertical Greenery
Speaking of live walls, interior greenery doesn’t have to occupy precious floor space. A green wall artwork or a vertical planter system would more than suffice in bringing a piece of primal atmosphere to your house.

You can never go wrong with a green wall. Whether you are looking for a feature for your dining room, TV wall, or even bathroom, a live wall would be a perfect addition anywhere.
There are still quite stylish options available for a modest budget. How about this wall succulent planter from Kim Fisher? Simple yet alluring, isn’t it?
Classic Palm Plant
Palm plants aren’t just for offices. They can look great anywhere just because they are naturally beautifully arranged. Their stems of different heights and leaf-shaped leaflets have an easily recognizable but classic look that can never go out of style.

No awkward corner can safely stay empty and awkward as long as palm plants exist. If you don’t know what plant to choose for your dining or living room, this should be it.
Although they require a lot in terms of care, palm trees give back a lot of aesthetic pleasure and decorating fanfare.
Greenery Big and Small
When it comes to plant size, you can benefit equally from all types of interior greenery, regardless of how big or small, demanding or undemanding. Don’t be afraid to try unusual types of plants that are crawling or hanging. They might just give your interior an unusual accent you were looking for.

Tiny trees, wispy grassy hangers, and all kinds of atypical plants may be a bit fussy in maintenance, but they are perfectly worth it aesthetic-wise. If you wish to extend some effort, you might find it not only visually satisfying.
Unique Pots
There is no better way of giving every day plants a little visual boost than with some unusual-looking pots. These come in all sorts of designs, shapes, and materials including lava stone. Taking form of anything from sea urchins to dirt balls, modern planters truly deserve their own post.

Planters have, too, become a part of built-in design. Some of the furnishings like coffee table are especially suitable for it. Instead of keeping a bowl of succulents on the table, and risk knocking them down, why not find a coffee table that is simply plant-friendly?
Unusual Pot Spots
And still pot location shouldn’t be taken for granted, we say. Enough with the living room corners! A home office desk is a perfect spot for a lively green feature. Any office benefits from a pot of green, and so can yours.

Or how about making your planter a crowning accent of your bath? It will definitely look less cold the moment you bring a potted tree or a big pot of hanging flowers.
One thing to keep in mind with interior greenery is how it affects your pets. Not all plants and critters can live safely and happily together under one roof.